“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”
John 8:32
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About Us

Graham Hood
Graham is a veteran aviator and former Qantas Captain with 36,000 flying hours.Graham and wife Michelle herself, an accomplished RN with degrees in law and psychology have always had a passion to serve their community. “Hoody” as he is affectionately known, coming to public prominence through a heartfelt and passionate video about our country, his employer, the mandates and lockdowns which left Australia in a state of fibrillation. He is a passionate Aussie larikin who has a great respect for our war veterans, history, freedoms and those willing to serve in any capacity during times of need.
John Larter
John found himself sacked by NSW Ambulance for failing to comply with a mandatory vaccination order and subsequent policy. As a result he took the Health Minister Brad Hazzard to the NSW Supreme Court to fight what can only be described as medical apartheid. He is passionate about politics and has previously been elected Mayor. He shares a passion for aviation like Graham and holds licences for helicopters and fixed wing aircraft. John teamed up with Drifta in 2022 and opened a store in Tumut. He is married to wife Caitlin(RN) and has six children. John is passionate about serving and answered the call from “Hoody” to assist with the Corakai floods. He has worked in many disasters including assisting with the Bali bombings and our most recent bushfires.

The Dam Busters
Graham & John started Club Grubbery to provide a voice for all those adversely impacted by the covid madness. They formed a very close bond and friendship and used their social media platform to provide a media service which tells the truth and isn’t afraid to navigate the difficult stories. They have interviewed world leading physicians, academics, politicians, sporting greats and regular mums and dads to ensure everyone in Australia and the world can be heard. They are a formation dedicated to dropping truth bombs similarly to the veterans in 617 squadron in 1943.
Media Services

If you have a story or an issue that needs to be told in its truth, contact Graham & John to ensure your voice is heard. Let’s keep the bureaucrats, politicians and grubs accountable.

Motivational Speaking
Both Graham & John have extensive experience in leadership and working in dynamic environments. They have great communication skills and an authentic ability to connect with people and audiences. John & Graham can also engage with other keynote speakers to ensure your organisation, business, social or sporting community gets the best possible outcome. If you would like to engage them for a corporate, community or a special event then we would be happy to speak with you to arrange your special day. Graham can also baptise you as well.